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Simplex to let in Rivermeade, offering two bathrooms served by a separate bathroom 5 bedroom house for sale in Durban North. R21,000,000 4 Reception roomssee more. Situated in prime upper Durban North with sea views, this 8762m² site has town planning approval for 9 sectional title freestanding homes (zoned special residential 900m²). The Earth, the ionosphere and the lower atmosphere form the global electric circuit in which we live. It is well established that biological rhythms—of humans, birds, hamsters, and spiders —are controlled by the Earth’s natural electromagnetic environment and that the well-being of all organisms depends on the stability of this environment, including the electrical properties of the A very neat and beautiful 2 rooms to let in east field , vosloorus shower with toilet has dish connections near by places:schools, academy, police station, 13 privateproperty.co.za Enter the code and participate. Let's hear your opinion!

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